The Guarantee, by Natalie Foster, a book standing up on a table with pages open.

We Deserve

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From Economic Security Project President and
Co-Founder Natalie Foster

The Guarantee asks us to imagine an America where housing, health care, a college education, dignified work, family care, an inheritance, and an income floor are not only attainable by all but guaranteed, by our government, for everyone. 

Recognizing the first real opportunity we’ve had in decades to re-think and re-tool America’s economic policy, Natalie Foster brings forward not just a vision but proof of concept with The Guarantee.

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A timely and persuasive exploration into what is truly possible when we guarantee economic rights and prosperity for all. Heather McGhee, author of the New York Times bestseller The Sum of Us
Across the pages of The Guarantee Natalie blends brilliance, warmth, and a fierce focus to instill an optimistic confidence that America can choose a better path towards economic and racial justice. The world needs The Guarantee. Darrick Hamilton, Director of the Institute on Race, Power, and Political Economy at The New School
Perpetrated by those in power, there is a myth that anyone can make it if they work hard enough and play by the rules; that public help is unimportant or not needed. The Guarantee breaks down this myth and weaves a clear picture of what’s possible when we push our government to do more for the American people. Pointing to concrete examples of big moves and small shifts, Foster crafts a gripping activist history of the last two decades that leaves you feeling optimistic about what we can accomplish together. Robert Reich, former U.S. Secretary of Labor

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“Imagine a mother of three who’s also caring for her aging mother. Even though she is constantly on her feet and never has a moment to rest, her work doesn’t qualify for benefits and supports that come with having a paid job. Suddenly, our government starts sending her a check every month. Finally, it’s as if her unpaid caregiving is being counted as work.”

- Natalie Foster, The Guarantee

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A portrait of Natalie Foster

Natalie Foster is a leading architect of the movement to build an inclusive and resilient economy that works for all.

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