Media Appearances

Marketplace on NPR

Working toward an economy that meets everyone’s needs

As the country slowly transitions into life after the peak of the pandemic, the question remains whether another shift in the Overton window is on the horizon. Natalie Foster, President of the Economic Security Project, is one of leading architects behind a new economic policy who believes so. She is the author of the recently published book, “The Guarantee: Inside the Fight for America’s Next Economy.”

What Could Go Right?

America’s Next Economy with Natalie Foster

What is the cost of not investing in families in America? How can economic security be guaranteed? Zachary and Emma speak with Natalie Foster, president of the Economic Security Project and author of the new book ‘The Guarantee: Inside the Fight for America’s Next Economy.’ Baby bonds, student loans, why so many Americans dislike dealing with the government, and raising the economic floor are among the topics discussed today.

The Roosevelt Institute

The Road to Freedom: Economics and the Good Society and The Guarantee: Inside the Fight for America’s Next Economy

Both Joseph Stiglitz and Natalie Foster’s books explore the crucial role that the federal government plays in shaping the economy and ways in which its power can be used to provide for ordinary Americans. As the long-standing neoliberal economic order is being called into question and populist movements gain traction, we will explore what exactly our government owes to its citizens, why it seems our system is meant to work for the few and not the many, and how we should think about freedom and the role of the state in a 21st-century society.


I’m a venture capitalist, and here’s why I believe we need to guarantee everyone’s basic needs: The social floor is actually a trampoline that can propel our economy

We have new evidence this is already happening, detailed in the just-released book The Guarantee, by policy advocate Natalie Foster. Over the last few years, the U.S. has embarked on a sweeping set of new programs and experiments—everything from a child tax credit during Covid to cities trying to provide their least fortunate with a guaranteed income to states expanding Medicaid.

The Realignment

Universal Basic Income, the Expanded Child-Tax-Credit, & Why America’s Economy Will Be Based on “Guarantees”

Marshall and Natalie discuss how the 2016 election and the COVID pandemic created the opportunity to shift the conventional wisdom about the American economy away from the neoliberal status quo, what an economy built around "guarantees" would look like, lessons from UBI experiments and the expansion of the Child-Tax-Credit, and how progressives should respond to post-COVID inflation's dampening of support for government spending programs.

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